books14 Reasons to Innovate
REDIT published this book in 2011, in which 70 collaborations between companies and Technological Institutes are collected. These are only a sample of the hundreds of projects that are carried out every year. 14 of these initiatives are detailed; from the idea the entrepreneur has in his mind until its materialization with the support of technology centres.
LibroCompanies that change the world
In this book, experts from our Technological Centres have carried out an exercise of foresight and strategic vision, so as to offer companies and society as a whole a story about forthcoming changes such as the risk for food shortages, the aging population of the western world, hyperconnectivity and the new ways of manufacturing.This book presents more that 30 cases of success stories of companies that have joined this tranformation wave in the context of the great challenges we are facing. Companies that are making the effort to improve their products and services through R&D&i hand in hand with our centres.
REDIT presents an informative brochure on the origin and evolution of the model of technological institutes recognised as good practice at national and international level.
REDIT has prepared three studies that analyze the impact that technological centers have on the territory. These reports have been made in collaboration with a multidisciplinary team led by Professor Francisco Mas, Professor of Applied Economics at UPV and an expert in economics and innovation policy.
REDIT has prepared a study in which it analyzes the impact that technological centers have on companies and on the regional economy. This report has been made in collaboration with Dr. Aurelia Modrego, from the Complutense University of Madrid.
memory 2020
In the 2020 Annual Report we include the major milestones and successes of the Network, as well as a summary of the best projects of the year carried out in our centers, the annual figures, activities and synergies created between centers during the year.
memory Sustainability 2020
In this first installment of the 2020 Sustainability Report, we review the keys to continue innovating through responsibility and sustainability. An exercise in transparency that aims to set future goals that guarantee fair social and environmental development for all.
Previous years