REDIT news
30 June 2022

NEMOSINE Project comes to end with creation of smart packaging that extends useful life and improves preservation of cinematographic and photographic heritage

The NEMOSINE Project, coordinated by AIMPLAS, the Plastics Technology Centre, has come to an end after four years of research to find a more efficient and sustainable storage solution to…

22 June 2022

AIMPLAS develops new techniques to give a second life to packaging, textile, tyre and mattress waste

According to estimates by the European Tyre and Rubber Manufacturers Association (ETRMA), up to four million tonnes of end-of-life tyres are generated each year in Europe and Spain alone accounts…

8 June 2022

Industrial CO2 emissions transformed into paints, varnishes and adhesives for footwear and furniture

AIDIMME, the Metalworking, Furniture, Wood, Packaging and Related Technological Institute; AIMPLAS, the Plastics Technology Centre; and INESCOP, the Footwear Technology Centre, with the support of the Valencian Institute for Business…

12 April 2022

More than 270 professionals have confirmed their attendance at MEETINGPACK 2022 to learn about the latest technological solutions for more sustainable barrier food packaging

More than 270 people have confirmed their attendance at MeetingPack 2022, where more than 30 speakers and a team of nearly 60 sponsors, collaborators and media outlets will address the…

24 February 2022

RepescaPlas Project Achieves New High Value-Added Products From Marine Litter Through Chemical Recycling and Now Enters Fourth Year

The RepescaPlas project has ended its third year with a total of 4,218 kg of marine litter recovered from the ports of Marín in Galicia, La Restinga in El Hierro…

18 November 2021

Fifth edition of MeetingPack to be held on 20-21 April 2022 at Valencia Conference Centre

The fifth edition of MeetingPack, the event organized every two years by AIMPLAS and AINIA, will attract members of the entire packaging value chain on 20-21 April 2022 at the…

12 November 2021

Project to turn whey into coatings that extend cheese shelf life by 25%-50% and to provide probiotic ingredients for animal feed

According to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, each year more than 18 million tonnes of cheese are produced worldwide, a process that generates around 180 million…

22 October 2021

RECOTRANS project uses microwaves and laser welding to obtain recyclable composites for the transport industry

Through the use of new materials and manufacturing processes, the project, led by AIMPLAS, helps produce lighter and, therefore, less polluting vehicles without increasing costs. Researchers obtained a reduction in…

22 October 2021

CAF (Development Bank of Latin America) and REDIT (Network of Technological Institutes of the Valencian Community set to promote business innovation through knowledge

CAF, Development Bank of Latin America, and REDIT, the Network of Technological Institutes of the Valencian Community, recently signed a collaboration agreement to promote business innovation and technological development in…

26 November 2019

Elisa Martín Garijo, Chief Technology and Innovation Officer at IBM Spain: “Europe may have an opportunity on the technological level if it can find its own space”

“Europe may have an opportunity on the technological level if it can find its own space. If we just compete by doing the same as others, it’ll be too late,…

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