Patent bank
Patent bank
138 patents valid generated by REDIT Technology Institutes until 2020
The REDIT Patent Bank is an initiative from the regional government whose main objective is to facilitate the transfer of research results generated by agents in the R&D&I system to production and service sectors.
Throughout 2020 REDIT Technology Institutes registered 138 patents, some of which can be viewed using this tool.
Simultaneously, the regional government oversees disseminating these innovations to the corporate fabric.
Thanks to this initiative, innovative ideas are brought closer to society, generating knowledge that can be transferred to the marketplace in anticipation of corporate needs.
Queremos crear juntos un futuro mejor y esta herramienta permite aportar esperanza a la sociedad y expectativas de crecimiento empresarial a la región. En la unión está la fuerza.
Our 2020 Annual Report summarizes REDIT’s main activities throughout the year and provides a selection of projects carried out by our Technology Institutes.
This is a REDIT tool providing public access to all the capabilities of our Technology Institutes: knowledge areas, technological lines and sectors of application, as well as many major projects and available resources and infrastructure.